Why pyrethrum:

How it works
- Rapid contact-based action targeting the insect nervous system
- Low toxicity, making it safe for humans and warm-blooded animals
- Dynamism
- No recorded instances of insect resistance or immunity
- Broad spectrum of effectiveness against various insect species
Three core processes

Pyrethrum production is a core function carried out by smallholder farmers in Rwanda. These producers are organized into cooperative groups that handle the growing, harvesting, and drying of the pyrethrum crop. As part of this system, each producer contributes a significant portion of the available land to the annual cultivation of pyrethrum. The farmers work collectively through their cooperative structures to ensure the successful execution of the pyrethrum production process.

The dried pyrethrum flowers are milled and then loaded into extraction cylinders. This initiates the extraction process, which yields a crude pyrethrum extract. This crude extract subsequently undergoes refining to produce the final product known as pyrethrum pale extract.

The refined pyrethrum pale is marketed and sold to markets within Africa, the USA, and Europe.
Over 37,000 farmers cultivate pyrethrum. These farmers are organized into cooperatives responsible for the cultivation, harvesting, and drying of the pyrethrum crop.
The company and the local agricultural authority support these farmers by providing them with seeds, fertilizer, and training programs. This has not only increased pyrethrum yields but has also benefited the harvest of other crops. The pyrethrum plant acts as a natural insecticide, protecting adjacent crops and improving soil health.
The advantages of pyrethrum cultivation have motivated farmers outside the traditional growing area to begin cultivating the crop as well, further boosting economic opportunities in the region. Pyrethrum production plays an important role in supporting the livelihoods of thousands of local families.
Research plays a critical role throughout the various stages of pyrethrum production. At the crop cultivation stage, research informs key activities to ensure the production of high-quality, high-yielding pyrethrum.
During the processing stage, the extraction of pyrethrum is closely monitored through extensive sampling at all steps.
The company has attained registration with the European Chemicals Agency due to its steady growth and high product quality. This achievement has boosted the company’s sales, increased its market share in Europe, and expanded the range of its pyrethrin-based and biocide products.
The company’s products have also been registered with the chemical regulatory body in Mexico. This registration has enabled one of the company’s clients to easily penetrate the Mexican market.
These regulatory certifications and expanded market access have been important drivers of the company’s business growth and product reach.